Category Archives: FAUNA AND FLORA

Wetlands in Fuerteventura and Isla de Lobos, sources of life

Despite the aridity that characterizes our paradise, Fuerteventura has several wetlands of great importance, but above all there is one that draws our attention particularly because we visit it on our daily excursions from Corralejo; this is known as “Las Lagunillas de la Isla de Lobos”.

But what is a wetland?

“A wetland is an area of land that is temporarily or permanently flooded, due to climatic factors, and in constant interaction with the creatures that inhabit it”. They are also “The areas of marsh, fen, peat-land or water surfaces, either natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water whose depth at low tide does not exceed six meters. ” Ramsar Convention.

FuerteCharter Excursiones Fuerteventura | Humedales

Fuerteventura Wetlands

On our island, because it is a semi-arid area, wetlands are critical to the survival of both plants and animals, especially some birds we have so much discussed in this blog. As we have told you many times, hundreds of birds find in the wetlands of Fuerteventura the ideal shelter to spend the winter, rest or carry out important tasks such as breeding.

Ramsar Convention

Since 1971 the Ramsar Convention has been an international instrument for the protection of these important ecosystems. In 1982 this Convention is enforced in Spain with the inclusion of Doñana National Park and “Tablas de Daimiel” as wetlands, and in 2002, what had been a marginal area in Fuerteventura, annexed to the beaches, “El Saladar de Jandia”, was included, thus becoming a main place in the work of restoration of biodiversity in the island. This wetland covers an area of 1,270,000 m2 and so far it’s the only one in the Canary Islands which has been included in the Ramsar Convention.

FuerteCharter Excursiones Fuerteventura | Humedales

Most characteristic wetlands in Fuerteventura

But as we mentioned, Fuerteventura has important wetlands scattered throughout the territory and whose visit is a must for bird lovers that visit us year after year; this year with the “abundant” rain falls in January the wetlands are even more resplendent.
The best known: “El Barranco y La Presa de los Molinos” and “Las Fuentes de Chupadero” in Matilla (Puerto del Rosario), “ Las charcas de Rosa” belonging to Catalina Garcia (Tuineje), “La Presa de Las Peñitas” and “El Barranco de El Junquillo” (Betancuria).

One of our favourite wetlands, which we visit daily on our trips from Fuerteventura to Lobos island, is known as “Las Lagunillas del islote de Lobos”. It’s a salt marsh near the coast which is affected by the tide flow; the sea water is retained there and ponds or lagoons are formed; they’re parallel to the coast, which allows the settlement of endemic plant species and also some of the least representative plants in of our archipelago. All these species have in common their adaptation to high salinity conditions.

FuerteCharter Excursiones Fuerteventura | Humedales

Major wetland birds settled in Fuerteventura:

Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea), the coot (Fulica atra), the common stilt (Himantopus himantopus), the Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus), the sanderling (Calidris alba), Common Sandpiper (Actitits hypoleucos), the marbled teal (Marmaronetta angustirostris), Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia), little egret (Egretta garzetta), gray heron (Ardea cinerea), clear redshank (Tringa nebularia), Ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres), the whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus )

The vegetation that stands out in the wetlands of Fuerteventura:

Halophytic vegetation formed by “el mato” (Sarcocornia fructicosa), Shrubby sea-blite (Suaeda vera) and “la uvilla” (Zygophyllum fontanessii); the reed (Phragmites australis), “el tarajal” (Tamarix sp.), the sea lavender from Lobos (Limonium bollei) endemic to the island. They are plants adapted to high salt conditions, even resisting periodic seawater floods.

Need for conservation and protection

We must not forget that they are ecosystems very threatened by myriad factors, particularly construction; we must work for their preservation, as they are true sources of life and biodiversity.
The Ministry of Environment of Fuerteventura Council, from its different departments-biodiversity, environmental education … – is developing activities for the protection and preservation of these habitats, among which fencing, placement of informative posters and performing activities such as visits to different wetlands stand out, as they depart from the idea that preservation and protection begin with knowledge of the values we have in the island.

World Wetlands Day, February 2nd

Every February 2nd the signing of Ramsar Convention is commemorated, this day being the World Wetlands Day.
From the Council they organize school visits to the different wetlands in Fuerteventura, so as to raise awareness and educate.
We invite you to celebrate this day, and of course to come and know some of these wetlands in our island, which so much surprise our tourists, as they don’t expect to find water sources within this land, so especially arid.
Of course, as our mission is to present this wonderful wild and virgin stronghold which the Islet of Lobos is, where we go on our daily trips around Fuerteventura, we can not deny that the salt marsh known as “Las Lagunitas” is our favourite, and the one we most highly recommend.

FuerteCharter Team

EL guirre, tesoro de la fauna de Fuerteventura

El guirre, junto a la hubara, es el representante más emblemático de la fauna de Fuerteventura.  Este alimoche canario habitaba históricamente y de manera regular varias de las Islas Canarias pero por diferentes causas, sobre todo el aumento poblacional y turístico, en las últimas décadas sólo habita Fuerteventura.

 Foto- Augusto Arbelo
Foto- Augusto Arbelo

Los buitres, que llegaron a las islas Canarias hace tan sólo 2.500 años siguiendo los rebaños de cabras de los primeros aborígenes que llegaron el archipiélago, han evolucionado de forma distinta a sus vecinos continentales, llegando a constituir por si mismos una subespecie endémica diferente a cualquier otra conocida, llamada majorensis en honor a Fuerteventura (Maxorata), la única isla donde en la actualidad sobrevive este pequeño buitre.

El nombre de Guirre, de origen guanche,  denomina en Canarias al Alimoche común (Neophron percnopterus). Fuerteventura alberga la población más meridional en la Unión Europea y la única perteneciente a la subespecie canaria (Neophron percnopterus majorensis).  Es la única ave carroñera que habita en las islas limpiando el campo de animales muertos lo que es beneficioso para el hombre.  Aunque se trata de un ave básicamente migratoria podemos presumir de que Fuerteventura es uno de los pocos lugares del mundo donde su población es sedentaria.

El Guirre es un ave de gran tamaño, casi 1,65 metros de envergadura, una altura de 70 centímetros y unos 2 kilos de peso.  A partir de enero  comienzan a ocupar sus territorios de cría para en abril poner por lo general 2 huevos, que incubará la pareja unos 42 días. Solo suele sobrevivir un pollo (el primero que nace) que tardará unos 75 días en emprender el vuelo e independizarse de sus padres.

El Guirre es una especie considerada EN PELIGRO DE EXTINCIÓN y su conservación es todo un reto.


La Consejería de Medio Ambiente del Cabildo de Fuerteventura ha puesto en marcha un Plan de Acción para evitar que el Guirre desaparezca de la isla. El proyecto se vertebra en dos líneas: conservación e investigación.

• Con la primera se pretende aumentar la supervivencia de la especie y favorecer el número de pollos nacidos cada año. Se han preparado varios comederos donde ganaderos y personal de Medio Ambiente depositan restos de animales muertos.

• Paralelamente se desarrolla un amplio proyecto de investigación sobre el Guirre, en el que colabora la Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC). Con él se quiere elaborar un modelo demográfico que sirva para predecir la evolución futura de la especie, basado principalmente en el anillamiento con marcas especiales, censos, estudios genéticos y de hábitat

Hace unos 15 años se extinguieron las poblaciones que habitaban el resto de las islas quedando Fuerteventura como su último refugio. Actualmente se recupera en nuestra isla tras varios años de conservación.  El año 2014 ha sido un año exceltente en lo que al nacimiento de pollos se refiere que duplica a los de 2012 .

El guirre cruza la Bocaina hacia Lanzarote

Además ha cruzado el Estrecho de la Bocaina que tanto frecuentamos en nuestras excursiones desde Corralejo ya que en 2013 se detectaron varios ejemplares en la Isla de Lanzarote y el archipiélago Chinijo pudiendo estar haciendo una recuperación natural de sus antiguos territorios y donde se están formando nuevas parejas.

Actualmente en Fuerteventura contaremos con unos 250 ejemplares que vuelan libres por nuestros cielos y disfrutan de la aridez de esta isla esculpida por el viento. No es difícil ver estas impresionantes aves desde nuestras excursiones, lo difícil es levantar la mirada del mar —que tanto nos atrae por su belleza— para elevarla al cielo; prometemos estar atentos para que no se pierdan este regalo de la naturaleza que es el vuelo del guirre si quisiera acompañarnos en nuestras excursiones desde Corralejo hacia la Isla de Lobos.

Sphinx of Tabaibas: An exotic caterpillar in Fuerteventura’s wildlife

The Sphinx of Tabaibas (Hyles euphorbiae tithymali) belongs to the nocturnal lepidoptera (moth) endemic to the Canary Islands. It represents one of the 1,200 families that make up the order of the Sphingidae, and within the wildlife of Fuerteventura, despite not being one of its most extended inhabitants, its showy colourful body draws attention.

The name Sphinx of Tabaibas comes because their caterpillar lives precisely on these plants, both sweet Tabaiba (Euphorbia regis-jubae), and bitter Tabaiba (Euphorbia obtusifolia), which also serve as food for this herbivorous species that certainly prefers the tender tips and flowers, which they can devour in a few seconds.

Tabaibas venom is completely harmless to the caterpillar; on the contrary, it serves as biological ally, and it accumulates this venom in its body and keeps it even when the caterpillar becomes a moth, creating an unpleasant bitter taste in its predators, which will not try it in their life their again. Besides, they are able to regurgitate this poison, fluorescent green, when they feel attacked.

As a defence against its predators, mostly birds, it also has some spectacular electric colours throughout its entire body, with green, yellow and blue stripes, some black patterns shaped as eyes and a red spot on its head (the red, yellow and black are usually warning colours in nature). These colours that serve as defence, also turn it into one of the most showy species in the island, providing it an exotic attraction.

They are most commonly found from June to September, and a place where it’s most awesome to find it is in the Natural Park of the Dunes in Corralejo, where it leaves small marks on the golden sand, when moving between Tabaibas (simulating traces of tiny bikes ).

The adults of this species of fauna in Fuerteventura have nocturnal and crepuscular habits, hence it’s not easily to meet them, but sometimes they can be seen in daylight, especially those younger individuals.

They may be found in spring, making up showy groups on the leaves of the plants that will host them.

FuerteCharter | Fuerteventura: Sphinx of Tabaibas
© Aday P.

The size of the adult caterpillar can reach up to 15cm and, when it has run its course, it goes down from the Tabaibas and buries itself in the sand to start the chrysalis stage and become a pupa, which in turn will become a moth, not as beautiful and showy as the caterpillar, but large, with a wingspan of between 5’4 and 7 cms, which tuns it into one of the species of moths which best fly. Their wings move so fast that its fluttering produces a whistle like the one produced by the drone.

The colour ceases to be attractive to become a dark brown with some white patterns, although there are some species whose moth is black.

FuerteCharter | Fuerteventura: Sphinx of Tabaibas
© Aday P.

It features the longest proboscis of all moths; It is the organ that serves it as a drinking straw to suck nectar from tubular flowers. When it is not used, it’s rolled up under its head.

At the end of its life, the female moth lays about 8-10 greenish eggs, each of them becoming a showy caterpillar later on, thus starting the cycle of the species again.

If you  happen to find any of these caterpillars on your way, don’t be afraid of them, but don’t bother them either  if you do not want them to spit on you the Tabaibas’ venom. Just watch the wonder of nature, which is able to create such wonderful specimens.

 FuerteCharter Team

Tarabilla canaria (Saxicola dacotiae): especie endémica de Fuerteventura

Fotografía: © 2012 Tomás Crespo

Sin duda en nuestra isla de Fuerteventura contamos con una extensa fauna de aves, pero una de estas especies además es endémica de esta isla de las Canarias: la Tarabilla.

Este singular pájaro de la avifauna majorera tiene además la característica de ser la única especia que, siendo exclusiva de las Islas Canarias, solo habita en una de las islas, por este motivo, los majoreros deben sentirse orgullosos y tener un especial cuidado en la conservación de la misma. Hasta principios del siglo XX la Tarabilla habitaba también en los islotes de Alegranza y Montaña Clara, al norte de Lanzarote, Saxicola dacotiae murielae, pero en la actualidad solo se encuentra en Fuerteventura, Saxicola dacotiae dacotiae. El resto de aves endémicas de Canarias, como las dos palomas de laurisilva, el mosquitero canario y el pinzón azul, se distribuyen al menos en dos islas del territorio.

La Tarabilla canaria es un ave paseriforme de la familia Muscicapidae, que habita en terrenos secos y pedregosos. Posiblemente procede de la especie de Tarabilla común, evolucionada por su aislamiento en la isla, a la que llegaró hace unos dos millones de años, en el Pleistoceno.

Es un ave de tamaño pequeño, cuyo cuerpo recuerda al de un petirrojo pero más estilizado. Tiene unos colores contrastados, pardos, con la cabeza negruzca y la espalda y alas con listas blancas. Tiene una lista circular blanca, que le llega hasta detrás de los ojos. Los laterales del cuello también son blancos (en el caso del macho), al igual que el vientre. El pecho es anaranjado. La hembra presenta colores más apagados y la cabeza marrón con estrías.

FuerteCharter | Tarabilla Canaria Fuerteventura

Respecto al hábitat, es una especie muy fiel a su territorio, permaneciendo toda la vida en el mismo lugar, a no ser que ocurran acontecimientos de excepción, como por ejemplo el divorcio de su pareja, que suele darse en casos muy aislados, ya que también suele ser una especie muy fiel a su cónyuge.

Se encuentra en terrenos rocosos y en barrancos con vegetación, como pequeños palmerales y zonas con aulagas, aunque en ocasiones puede frecuentar espacios más abiertos y áridos, como el malpaís.

Para conseguir su alimento y el de sus polluelos, suelen colocarse en posaderos en lo alto de arbustos, desde donde tienen una vista privilegiada para lanzarse sobre pequeños invertebrados, y sobre estos posaderos constituyen verdaderos modelos para los aficionados al mundo de la fotografía de aves.

Suelen realizar dos puestas al año, con 4-5 huevos cada vez, que incuban durante 13 días.

Esta especie está catalogada en peligro de extinción y actualmente se cuenta con unos 13001700 ejemplares adultos, que van en disminución. Las principales causas de este peligro de extinción es el fuerte desarrollo turístico que ha sufrido su hábitat en las últimas décadas, debido a la construcción masiva de viviendas, hoteles, campos de golf… que han fragmentado y reducido su territorio. Por otro lado le afecta también el excesivo pastoreo de ganado caprino descontrolado y la introducción de especies como los gatos salvajes y las ratas negras, que depredan a sus polluelos.

Desde 1999 existe un plan de conservación para esta especie y, debido a su alta tasa de reproducción, es posible que se franquee la dificultad de su supervivencia si se tiene un poco de cuidado con su entorno.

El Equipo de FuerteCharter

“ MAJORERO” wall gecko, outstanding resident of Lobos Islet and Fuerteventura

We keep discovering Fuerteventura’s wildlife and Lobos Islet and although it seems that everything is about marine species and birds, we cannot forget an exceptional inhabitant of this paradise, a true symbol for these islands, The “Majorero” wall gecko (Tarentola angustimentalis). Perhaps those of you who do not inhabit these idyllic lands have not seen one yet, but for sure they known it though  countless souvenirs that can be found in the island’s shops. It is a very abundant and well known animal, in fact the residents in the North of Fuerteventura usually feel proud to have one of these companions on the walls of our homes. In our boat trips from Corralejo, when we take our travellers to know the wonderful Lobos Islet in our Water Taxi, you will have the chance to to watch them: you just have to pay a little attention to the rocks in the sandy areas, where they are usually sunbathing in the mornings.


Let’s learn a little more about this species, endemic to Fuerteventura and Lobos Islet. The “Majorero” wall gecko, or common gecko, is a reptile lizard from the geckos family, which is named after the roughness, flaking or bumps on the dorsal areas of its body.  6 species inhabit The Canary Islands, 4 of which are endemic:  Tarentola delalandii (Common “Majorero” wall gecko), Tarentola gomerensis, Tarentola Boettgeri (with two subspecies, one of them endemic to El Hierro) and Tarentola angustimentalis, in addition to the foreign Tarentola mauritanica (common gecko) and the  Hemidactylus turcius (Pink gecko).

The “Majorero” wall gecko (Tarentola angustimentalis ) is a species found in Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Lobos, La Graciosa, Montaña Clara, Alegranza, Roque del Este and Roque del Oeste. For a time it was called  Tarentola mauritanica angustimentalis  as a subspecies of the Tarentola mauritanica, but now it’s considered a different species in itself, Tarentola Angustimentalis.

They can live on the coast and on the summits, being more abundant in thermophilic and tabaibal-cardonal, sandy  and old “malpaís” areas, as well as on human constructions; it usually lives under rocks or rocky places. As far as its social behaviour is concerned, they are nocturnal, although they love sunbathing in the mornings; it is known that acoustic communication plays an important role for them.

They feed on insects, arthropods are their favourite, but as a curiosity, they sometimes eat their own molt.
They are, at first sight, very funny; males are an average of 7.5 cm and females, 6.5 cm. Their body is robust and crushed. As most geckos, their skin is covered with bumps, except in the centre of their back, where they have a protruding bone. Their colour is light grey with a clear longitudinal line and five transversal dark bands. Their eyes, as you can see in the photos, are very prominent, golden or brown colour. It’s their eyes and hands, crushed but sturdy, which make them so funny.

Not much is known about their breeding habits: they lay about 1-2 eggs and apparently they have two clutches per year. The sex of the embryo depends on the incubation temperature: under 27º and 30 º they will be female, while under  26.5 ° C and  22,4ºC they will be male.

And though they are tiny they have a life expectancy of about 17 years.

This insect predator is endemic to the eastern Canary Islands and, usually,  an abundant species, not threatened by human impact; until now no factors that may affect them severely have been detected, so we will have “majorero” geckos for a long time.

Let’s say that in our trips to Lobos Islet from Corralejo, on our Catamaran, this will not be the animal you will see most if you don’t pay attention, but we could not help giving it the prominence it deserves as it is a symbol which has become a souvenir for those who choose this paradise as a holiday destination. Still we hope that when you come to Lobos Islet you won’t forget that this is their home and, like us, they love to enjoy the sunshine on the beautiful sunny mornings which cheer up this area of “La Macaronesia”.


FuerteCharter Team

Marine Fauna of Fuerteventura: The Porbeable or Mako shark

Among the inhabitants of the coast of Fuerteventura we have a species of exceptional shark: the mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus), known in the islands as “Janequin”. It belongs to the same family as the white shark, but it’s smaller and it tends to live further away from coastal waters.

It is a migratory fish that can be found in our waters in spring and summer when the water is warmer.
This cartilaginous fish has a sturdy, solid and fusiform body, which provides its perfect hydrodynamics, allowing it to swim at high speeds that can exceed 90km / h. This is also due to the fact that it’s a warm-blooded species, keeping the same body temperature, regardless of the external one, which allows it to make sharp outbursts and big jumps, up to 3 ms high, since its muscle power triples and so does its ability to react. For this reason they are chased by sport fishermen, since they are very combative and powerful rivals.
It is an avid hunter that prefers the evening hours for its activity. It feeds on fish such as sardines, herring, mackerel, bonito, skipjacks … and other larger ones like tuna, swordfish, and even marlin and sailfish. It also eats squid, other sharks, sea turtles, dolphins and even small cetaceans. As a curiosity confirming its greed, it has even been found a 300 kg mako shark carrying a 55kg swordfish inside. Its only predator is the white shark, which fortunately does not frequent our waters, being too cold for it.
It is considered a dangerous species, although in The Canary Islands there are record of just a few attacks on people, and it usually inhabits the pelagic realm, although it sometimes approaches the coast in search of food. Still, we recommend extreme caution in case of meeting one, especially regarding spear fishing.
The Mako shark has two dorsal fins, one large fin and one smaller one,  and 5 gill slits on each side of the large u-shaped mouth; it has a pointed snout and sharp teeth. Its eyes are black, round and medium size.
He has a dark blue back, almost greyish, and white belly, and at the tip of the tail there is a crescent-shaped caudal fin, its upper lobe being slightly larger than the lower one, key for its perfect hydrodynamics.
They can be up to 400cm long (the female being larger than the male) and weigh up to 750kg; the size required to fish them is 290cm.
Mako sharks are ovoviviparous, female specimens being able to gestate up to 25 embryos, although litters are usually of 4-8 offspring, as the most developed ones eat their litter mates and the rest of eggs in an act of cannibalism called oophagy.
Regarding its commercialization, being such a big fish it’s sold in slices. Its fin is used to make soup, as well as its liver, from which oils rich in vitamin A and Omega 3 are also extracted. Its flesh is often mistaken with that of grouper and swordfish.

In our boat trips from Corralejo to the islet of Lobos, we go cross the area known as “The Mako” often visited by scuba divers, where it is sometimes possible to find some of these majestic specimens.

We invite you to discover the charms of our ocean on our catamaran.

FuerteCharter team

Sweet Spurge endemic to the Canary Islands, had an infinity of uses for ancient inhabitants

We continue writing about Lobos Islet, since we love to present the wonders of the Canary archipelago, especially this islet where we go regularly on our trips from Corralejo.

This time we will dedicate the article to talk about a very characteristic species of flora in this islet. 
Out of over 130 plant species living in this islet nowadays,  we will talk about the sweet spurge (Euphorbia balsamifera),  very characteristic of the Canary Islands and a symbol, particularly in the island of Lanzarote, which stands out in the islet with magnificent specimens. Remember that the jewel of the flora in Lobos is The Evergreen,  endemic to this island,  of which we have already discussed in another article that we recommend.


In the Canary Islands we call Spurge to a large group of plants of the Euphorbia family. Here in Fuerteventura, we enjoy the existence of  two species of spurge, sweet Spurge (Euphorbia balsamifera) and sour Spurge (Euphorbia regis-jubae).
In the Islet of Lobos it’s the sweet spurge which reaches a surprising size becoming very representative of the islet and being highly appreciated by visitors who accompany us on our trips from Corralejo.
It is endemic to the Canary Islands and North Africa. Especially we see it in the lower and drier areas of the islands.


It is a rounded shrub that can grow up to 2 meters; with grey stems highly branched from the base and rugged, as they are exposed to the wind.
It is a  “succulent” plant because its stem and root allow storage of water in much higher amounts than the rest of the plants, keeping their water for long periods, which allows them to survive in dry and arid environments.
It has rounded shape with branches that have small green leaves which they lose in dry periods but which recover when the rains start again; This is a mechanism that prevents water loss during periods of harsh sun.

It is just at this time of the year -autumn and winter, especially in days like the last ones, when the rain has cheered our island up, that we can enjoy their flowers. Small yellow flowers that form a unique reddish fruit which looks like knitted (tripartite structure).


In the chronicles of the ancient conquerors  they spoke about the milk from these plants found in Fuerteventura “… trees that exude a medicinal milk …” and which has been employed for many uses throughout history. uses:
As traditional fishing method (embroscar) that involves spilling the “cerote” (juice of the plant) into natural pools which can be seen during the low tide,  and where fish were trapped; This juice has poisonous properties that lulled the fish and made it easier to catch them with shovels.
-The Milky sap of the branches coagulates on contact with air to forms a kind of gum, and it’s said to have a nice flavour. This paste could be chewed to strengthen the gums; it was also used to wean kids, by sticking it to the udders of the goats; other uses, in times of extreme scarcity, could be as glue traps for birds.
Among its medicinal uses, it treated colds in the shape of poultices; pricks of thorns,  warts or wounds, by applying it straight on the skin.

All these uses,  together with the appearance of lime kilns in Fuerteventura,  made this sap become more scarce, since it was also used as fuel.
Currently the population of this plant is abundant and these days we can enjoy its green leaves, which have sprouted with the first rains. We invite you to come to Lobos in one of our trips from Corralejo to enjoy the magnitude of these plants, loved by the ancients for their properties  and characteristics of the Canary Islands and specifically of this islet that we love so much.

FuerteCharter Team

Morays in Fuerteventura (Muraenidae)

Muraenidae  are a family of  voracious and slippery fish in the shape of eel or snake inhabiting rocky areas or near-shore jetties or puddles (abundant to 50m deep), in tropical and subtropical waters worldwide. They are also sometimes found in deeper waters (the largest ones). On the coast of Fuerteventura, we can find some species of this family.

They are voracious predators of fish, cephalopods and crustaceans, which usually remain hidden in crevices, stalking prey, and usually they only  leave their den at night to hunt.

They can be up to five feet long, and weigh 2 to 10kg.
They usually breed between May and October, with a peak set in August.
They have a dorsal fin along the whole body which joins ends with the tail fin. They don’t usually have pectoral and pelvic fins.
One feature of this family is its strong and double jaw (internal and external, “allien” type), whose shape  allows them to catch prey and swallow it without using its limbs.
Their main predators are other  morays and groupers.
They have small eyes and very underdeveloped sight, so they’re usually very suspicious fish which immediately launch attacks with their mouth to defend themselves, and though their bite isn’t usually poisonous, it’s very painful. They also have very small gills, so they often need to open their mouth wide to breathe.
Their skin does not have scales, but a mucous membrane which is toxic in  some species, and they have an irregular colouration to help them  camouflage.

Fishing murays
Fishing murays follows an ancient technique that mixes ritual with work. Fishermen often attract them with some songs that numb them, like siren songs. They are repetitive tunes, which vary from one island to another, but  they often say things like: “Jo, little Moray … Jooo”, “Come little Moray , Goldentail Moray,  the male is coming to eat your litter” and other typical verses accompanied by loud whistles and a pretty effusive intonation. The old moray fishermen  believe that without this technique it would be impossible to catch these animals, as their strong jaws destroy any fishing hook.
These work songs, whose records date back to the sixteenth century, and  which are said to have their origin in the ancient Greece, have been incorporated into the musical heritage of the Canary Islands, thanks to musical groups like “Los Sabandeños  who sing “El pescador de Morenas” or a group of Canarian artists” Artenara” with their song ” El Canto de la Morena “.
Along with these songs, the fisherman also uses a hollow reed, inside which there is a wire ending in a noose, with a piece of squid attached as bait. The moray, stunned by repetitive songs, guard down and leaves its den in search of the piece of octopus.

The moray is a delicacy for many palates, thanks to the excellent quality of its meat. The coast moray tends to have fewer bones and be more tasty than the deep water moray, which has more fat. As gastronomic anecdote, moray eels were highly valued in the Roman Empire, where the most special celebrations used to serve a menu with morays. The species was bred in a kind of  fish farms, and it’s said that Romans often gave them the slaves’ flesh as food, as they said that the flavour of  the morays fed with human flesh was delicious. Hence the phrase “sentenced to morays.”

Among the species of Morays we have in the Canary Islands are:

Black Moray (Muraena Augusti)
It is the most abundant and is endemic to these islands and also to  Madeira and Azores.
It can be up to 1m long, and  it’s usually found  within 100m deep.
Its body is spindle-shaped and in the distance it may seem black or bluish gray, but if you look closely you can clearly see its white spots.
It prefers rocky bottoms, with caves and hollows to shelter during the day.

FuerteCharter | Moray Fuerteventura
© Sacha

Mediterranean Moray (Muraena helena)
This species is the largest one, reaching five feet long, and it’s usually found on the eastern islands, dwelling, like the black Moray, in rocky bottoms. Its bite is poisonous, due to the haemophilus secretion of its palatal mucosa.

FuerteCharter | Morays Fuerteventura

Fangtooth Moray (Enchelycore anatina)
Although not as plentiful as the black Moray, we can also see it in rocky areas. It differs clearly because of its yellow head and its body patterns. It is a little smaller and it can reach up to 60cms.

FuerteCharter | Morays Fuerteventura
© Philippe Guillaume

Goldentail Moray (Gymnothorax miliaris)
This species is often mistaken with the Fangtooth Moray, but its head is more rounded and its body patterns are more marked. It is one of the most elusive and rare to see moray eels, as it is very shy. El Hierro is the island where it is most frequently seen. It is a poorly studied species.

FuerteCharter | Morays Fuerteventura

FuerteCharter Team 

Aves migratorias en Isla de Lobos, una guía rápida para reconocerlas

Para nosotros, que acudimos diariamente en nuestras excursiones desde Corralejo a la Isla de Lobos, este islote sigue siendo un paraíso, casi virgen, donde la naturaleza y el mar son los protagonistas. Pues no somos los únicos seres que ven en este islote un lugar ideal, hay más visitante, excepcionales, que año tras año acuden a este lugar a pasar el invierno. Estamos hablando de aves migratorias que pasan en Fuerteventura, e Isla de Lobos, la época invernal, suponemos que como nosotros, buscando calor, tranquilidad y buenos alimentos.


En esta ocasión vamos a centrarnos en las Garzas, Garcetas y Zarapitos; 3 aves muy habituales en Fuerteventura en estos meses de otoño que ya anuncian la llegada del invierno, vienen del norte, donde crían en la época de verano, huyendo del frío y buscando zonas costeras, humedales, alimento y algo de calor para volver a emprender el vuelo una vez el invierno toca a su fin.

La Garceta común

Desde nuestro barco cuando hacemos la excursión a Lobos y fondeamos cerca de las zonas del islote más vírgenes podemos llegar a ver Garcetas comunes (Egrett Garcetta), personalmente me parecen aves súper curiosas. La garceta común es la más pequeña entre las garcetas, unos 60cm de longitud (envergadura alar:1m.). Para reconocerla, si hay dudas, solo hay que mirar sus patas negras, muy finas, con los dedos de color amarillo, pico recto y puntiagudo negro. Totalmente de plumaje blanco y un cuello largo pero dobladizo. El adulto en época nupcial tiene plumas ornamentales alargadas en el pecho y en el dorso, así como una cresta formada por dos plumas blancas.

FuerteChater | Aves migratorias Fuerteventura

Es muy fácil verlas pues no son tan asustadizas como otras aves, por el contrario suelen estar cerca de zonas habitadas por el hombre. En Fuerteventura los surferos las ven habitualmente, también en Lobos en las zonas donde ha habido pesca aprovechando los restos de la misma para darse el banquete. Su alimentación se basa en anfibios, insectos, invertebrados marinos, peces pequeños.
Habita en costas, embalses, charcas y cursos de agua y hacen sus nidos sobre árboles, cañaverales, riscos o suelo, en forma de plataforma. En febrero-marzo es la época de cría, una sola puesta al año y tienen entre 3 y 6 huevos que incuban durante 21 días; una vez eclosionan los polluelos son alimentados por ambos padres otros 21 días, y a los 35 abandonan el nido.
Son muy habituales en la época invernal en el archipiélago canario, aves migratorias que están de paso durante el invierno. No es el islote de Lobos su lugar favorito dentro de las islas macaronésicas pero es habitual, cada vez más, verlas en la costa o en la charca. Muchos han sido los afortunados que las han visto volando hacia Lobos, o a la inversa, durante nuestras excursiones desde Corralejo.

FuerteCharter | aves migratorias Fuerteventura

La Garza Real

Muy habituales en Fuerteventura durante el invierno, sobre todo en charcas naturales, tanto de agua dulce como de Costa, vistas a menudo en la charca que se forma bajo el faro de isla de Lobos. Es una ave zancuda de gran tamaño, que habita en Europa y nos visita en invierno; últimamente es más frecuente verlas durante todo el año, por lo que se piensa que probablemente alguna pareja ya haya nidificado aquí y como muchos, elegido Fuerteventura como su vivienda principal; aunque en realidad los científicos no la consideran ave nidificante en Canarias, sino migratorio.
Su longitud es de unos 90cm. con una envergadura alar de 1.70cm, un peso de 2kg. Característico es su plumaje gris con lasartes inferiores más blanquecinas. Tras la nuca, y hasta los ojos, tiene una especie de cresta azul muy oscuro, medio caida y formada por dos plumas muy largas. Pico marrón amarillento aclarando en la mandíbula inferior.

Fuertecharter | Aves miragtorias Fuerteventura
Muchos viajeros en nuestras excursiones se han sorpendido al verlas sobrepasarnos con un vuelo tan característico e inconfundible, ya que son de gran tamaño con el cuello doblado en curva, larguísimas patas (marrones), con un vuelo tranquilo; además cuando vuelan graznan, ronca y ásperamente.
En nuestras isla tienen alimento de sobra ya que su dieta favorita son peces y crustáceos pequeños, insectos,… también puede cazar ratones e incluso reptiles.

Zarapito Trinador

Muy pero que muy habitual en todo el archipiélago. Su paso, tanto por península como por Canarias, es entre Julio y Septiembre hasta marzo, que vuelve al norte de Europa a criar. En su época migratoria (invernada) se comporta como un ave costera, no lo hace así en su época de cría en lugares más fríos.

FuerteCharter | Aves migratorias Fuerteventura

La puesta empieza en mayo hasta junio, 3 o 4 huevos moteados de color pardo. Incuban 27 o 28 días y los pollos, precoces como los de todas las limícolas, se desarrollan en unos 35-40 días.
Mide unos 40cm, su peso oscila entre los 200 y 400gr. Son características sus patas, zancudas, y su puntiagudo pico curvado. La vemos habitualmente desde finales del verano tanto sola como en grupo, en las playas de Fuertevetura y de Lobos y en las zonas rocosas del litoral. Su alimentación es tanto de invertebrados como de materia vegetal, en diferente cuantía según la estación y los hábitats que ocupe.
Este es otro habitual en nuestras excursiones desde Corralejo.

Aquí dejamos esta pequeña guía de tres de las aves migratorias que, huyendo del frio, eligen, como nosotros, estas tierras paradisíacas para pasar unos meses. Tenemos que apuntar la importancia de Fuerteventura en lo que a aves se refiere, importancia que empiezó a conocerse en los últimos años, ya somos destino turístico para muchos amantes de la observación de aves. Es, además, uno de los motivos que llevó a la protección de Isla de Lobos.

Equipo FuerteCharter

The blue whale in Fuerteventura

A blue whale, the biggest animal in the world, can be spotted very near the area where we make our boat trips from Corralejo.
Some time ago, the Strait of “La Bocaina” which separates Fuerteventura and Lanzarote a blue whale was seen, by a group of investigators. This sighting took place during the campaign for the project development  “Canarias con la Mar”, funded by “Fundación Biodiversidad”, the ministry of Environment (MAGRAMA), the Canary Island Government and Fuerteventura Council.

FuerteCharter | Ballena azul en Fuerteventura
This cetacean (in latin, Balaenopteridaees) is one of the biggest animals in the world (the biggest dinosaur ever known was smaller that this whale). They can be up to 31m long and weigh a bit over 150 tons. The specimens in the southern hemisphere are usually bigger that those in the northern one. Female specimens (so as to give birth to their huge calves)are usually bigger than male ones too (maximum 24m long and 80 tons). They can reach a depth of 500m. Their usual speed is 22km/h, although they can even reach the 50km/h if they feel threatened, and they can also lower their speed up to 6.5 km/h when they forage for food.

With a long body and a wide head, this impressive whale has no teeth, but beard (around 300-400 formations on each side of their jaws, looking like toothbrushes, ideal to catch little preys (up to 1m long).
They can be submerged for 10-20 minutes, needing to go to the surface and breath after this time, bursting the typical jet of water of this species, which can reach the 6-12 ms high, imagine how big they are!
Surprisingly, these huge animals feed on small crustaceans; krills are they favourite food. Every specimen can eat up to 40 million of these crustaceans during their feeding stage, and they need up to 1.5 million calories a day to keep active.
The northern Pacific and Atlantic Oceans hold the biggest populations of these cetaceans. They are a really damaged species due to the whales hunting, and in many areas they have not recovered yet. Just one out of the four different species of blue whales in the world inhabits the northern Atlantic, which is why the fact of having caught sight of one of them in our waters is a true privilege. We are looking forward to finding this blue whale in our boat trips from Corralejo.
As far as their behaviour is concerned, blue whales have been seen alone, in couple or in small groups, no bigger than 7 specimens. When the food is abundant and on very few occasions, 60 of these animals have been seen together. They usually forage 100ms deep during the day, and they only go up to the surface at night. They feed through a filtering system: they open their mouth swallowing a large amount of water and krill. Then they close their jaws and push the water back outside through their beards, their preys being trapped there; with this system they also consume little fish, crustaceans and the squids which swim among the krill.
As for their breeding, their gestation period lasts around one year, and they reach their sexual maturity at the age of 10. They give birth to a single whale calf every 3 years. Whale calves are born in winter, in warm waters, and they are able to migrate thousands of kilometres until they reach polar waters to forage the next summer. Whale calves are usually 7mts long and weigh up to 3 tons; for 8 months they are breastfed, almost 400 litres of milk a day, and they grow up to 90kg a day, so when they get to their weaning process the calves have probably doubled their size already.
They have a long life expectancy, 90 years on average, although they can live up to 110 years.
These huge mammals make a deep vibrating sound that can be heard hundreds of kilometres away under the water. Little is known about the reason why they make this kind of sound, but these blue whales can make calls lasting between 10 and 30 seconds.
The blue whale is an endangered species for several reasons: many specimens die because they are hurt by big ships or because they are trapped in fishing nets. Of course, the global heating also affects the species they feed on. Nowadays whale hunting is punished in every continent, although illegal hunting still exists. It’s important to protect the areas of concentration of this species and their migratory corridors. Their presence in Fuerteventura and Lanzarote reminds us how important this area is.
We are looking forward to watching this blue whale, who has been named Esperanza, more closely in our boat trips from Corralejo. We’ll keep you informed.

 FuerteCharter’s team.  

Características de la ballena azul

Este cetáceo de la familia de los Rorcuales azules (en latín: Balaenopteridaees) es uno de los animales más grandes de la tierra (el dinosaurio más grande conocido es más pequeño que estas ballenas). Llegan a medir  31m de longitud y pesan poco más de 150 toneladas. Los ejemplares que habitan el hemisferio sur son generalmente de mayor tamaño que las del hemisferio norte; suelen ser más grandes las hembras (para poder parir sus enormes crías) que los machos (un máximo de 24m y 80 toneladas). Pueden llegar a profundidades de 500 metros. Normalmente se desplazan a 22 km/h, aunque si perciben alguna amenaza pueden alcanzar hasta 50 km/h, llegando a bajar esa velocidad hasta los 6.5 km/h cuando se alimentan.

De cuerpo alargado y cabeza ancha, este impresionante rorcual no tiene dientes, sino barbas, unos 300-400 formaciones en cada lado de su mandíbula, parecidas a las cerdas de un cepillo, ideales para capturar presas pequeñas y que pueden medir hasta 1 metro.

Puede permanecer bajo el agua por periodos de 10 a 20 minutos, saliendo a respirar después de este tiempo a la superficie, lanzando el chorro característico de esta especie, que puede llegar a alturas de 6 a 12 metros, ¡imagínense las dimensiones!

Alimentación de la ballena azul

Sorprendentemente la alimentación de estos impresionantes animales se basa en crustáceos muy pequeños; el krill es su sustento favorito. Cada individuo puede comer hasta 40 millones de estos crustáceos diarios en su época de alimentación, y necesitan alrededor de 1.5 millones de calorías al día para mantenerse activos.

Los océanos Pacífico Norte y Antártico Norte, albergan las poblaciones más grandes de estos cetáceos. Se trata de una especie muy dañada por la caza de ballenas y en muchas zonas aún no se ha recuperado. De las 4 subespecies de estos rorcuales azules que hay en el mundo, solo una habita en el Atlántico Norte, y se estima que no hay más de 400 individuos en nuestra zona del Atlántico, con lo que haber avistado una en nuestras aguas es todo un privilegio. Estamos deseando encontrarnos con esta ballena azul en nuestras excursiones en barco desde Corralejo.

Comportamiento de la ballena azul

En cuanto a su comportamiento se han avistado ballenas azules en solitario, en pareja o en grupos pequeños de no más de 7 individuos. Cuando hay gran cantidad de alimento, y en situaciones contadas, se han llegado a ver hasta 60 de estos animales juntos. Generalmente se alimentan a más de 100 m de profundidad durante el día y solo en la noche en la superficie. Su alimentación es por un sistema de filtrado: abre su boca introduciendo gran cantidad de agua y de krill, entonces cierra sus mandíbulas y empuja el agua de vuelta hacia fuera a través de sus barbas, quedando sus presas atrapadas; con este sistema accidentalmente consume también pequeños peces, crustáceos y calamares que nadan entre el krill.

Reproducción y crías de la ballena azul

En cuanto a su reproducción, su periodo de gestación dura alrededor de un año, y su madurez sexual llega aproximadamente a sus 10 años. Dan a luz una sola cría cada 3 años. Los ballenatos nacen en invierno en aguas cálidas con la capacidad de realizar una migración de miles de kilómetros hasta aguas polares donde alimentarse el siguiente verano. Las crías, al nacer, miden unos 7 metros de longitud y pesan hasta tres toneladas; durante 8 meses se alimentan de leche materna, casi 400 litros al día, creciendo diariamente hasta 90 kg más, con lo que cuando les llega el destete probablemente la cría ya ha doblado su tamaño.

Tienen una larga esperanza de vida, una media de 90 años, aunque pueden vivir incluso hasta los 110 años.

El Canto de la balleza azul

Estos grandes animales emiten un sonido profundo y resonante que se puede captar a cientos de kilómetros bajo las aguas. No se sabe mucho sobre los motivos que les llevan a producir estos cantos, pero todos los grupos de rorcuales azules emiten llamadas de al menos entre 10 y 30 segundos de duración.

La ballena azul es una especie en peligro de extinción por varios motivos, muchos ejemplares mueren por heridas realizadas por grandes buques o por quedar atrapados en redes de pesca. Por supuesto, el calentamiento global afecta a las especies de las que se alimenta. Actualmente la caza de ballenas está penada en cualquier continente, aunque sigue habiendo caza ilegal. Es importante proteger las zonas de concentración de la especie y sus corredores migratorios. Su presencia en la zona de Fuerteventura y Lanzarote nos vuelve a recordar la importancia de esta zona.

FuerteCharter | Ballena azul en Fuerteventura

Deseando estamos ver más de cerca a esta ballena azul, a la que se ha llamado Esperanza, en nuestras excursiones desde Corralejo. Les mantendremos informados.

Equipo de FuerteCharter 


FuerteCharter | Ballena azul en Fuerteventura